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Commercial Garbage Can Sizes: Choosing the Right Capacity for Your Business

Commercial Garbage Can Sizes: Choosing the Right Capacity for Your Business

Posted by Trashcans Unlimited on 24th Apr 2024

When setting up or running a business, one crucial aspect often overlooked is waste management. Choosing the right commercial trash can size and type is essential for efficient waste disposal and can impact everything from cleanliness to operational costs.

Given the various types of waste generated by different commercial entities, the need for appropriately sized and designed trash receptacles cannot be overstated. From small bins for office paper waste to large dumpsters for industrial refuse, the size and design of a commercial trash can must match its intended use.

In the market today, commercial trash cans come in a range of materials, each with their unique benefits and design features. It's not just about picking the largest bin; considerations such as the ease of use, aesthetic appeal, placement, and additional features like lids, wheels, and pedal lifts all play a part.

Moreover, the purchase price and the ongoing maintenance and cleaning costs are also significant factors to consider. Ensuring you have the correct type and size of trash can for your business will aid in effective waste management and maintain a clean and professional environment.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Commercial Trash Can Sizes

Selecting the proper size for  commercial trash cans is essential for efficient waste management. It affects both the cost of waste disposal and the frequency of service needed. Knowing the standard size ranges and exploring custom sizing options are key factors we consider in order to optimize operations.

Importance of Size Selection

Choosing the right size for your commercial trash cans directly impacts your waste management expenses.  Capacity is a decisive factor; the size of the container you select usually determines the cost. For instance, smaller containers are less expensive but may require more frequent pickups. By selecting the right size, we can minimize the number of waste pickups and reduce disposal costs.

Standard Size Ranges

In our experience, standard commercial trash can sizes typically range from 20 gallons to 55 gallons for indoor use. Outdoor commercial containers, used for collection by waste management services, usually start at around 2 cubic yards and can go up to 8 cubic yards. These sizes are suited to cater to a variety of businesses and the volume of waste they produce.

  • Indoor Containers:
    • Small: 20-30 gallons
    • Medium: 35-45 gallons
    • Large: 50-55 gallons

  • Outdoor Containers:
    • Small: 2-3 cubic yards
    • Medium: 4-6 cubic yards
    • Large: 7-8 cubic yards

Custom Sizing Options

For unique requirements, custom sizing may be essential. Some companies offer custom-sized trash cans that can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need to fit a container in a confined space or handle an unusually large amount of waste, custom-sized containers can be ordered to match your exact specifications. This ensures that you have a product that effectively matches your waste production, without underutilizing or overburdening your disposal system.

Types of Commercial Trash Cans

When selecting the right commercial trash cans for a business, we consider many factors such as location, purpose, and material. Here's a detailed look at the different types of containers available for commercial use.

Indoor Commercial Trash Cans

Indoor commercial trash cans are designed to blend with interior aesthetics while providing functional waste disposal. Materials usually include stainless steel, plastic, or fiberglass, and they often come in a variety of colors and finishes.

Sizes can vary, typically ranging from smaller 7-gallon bins suitable for office spaces to larger 40-gallon receptacles found in commercial kitchens or lobbies.

Some indoor units feature step-on pedals for hands-free disposal, making them a hygienic option for high-traffic areas.

Outdoor Commercial Trash Cans

Moving outdoors, these trash receptacles are built to withstand harsh weather conditions and are often constructed from heavy-duty materials like galvanized steel or recycled plastic. They come in various sizes and designs, from the classic 32-gallon units often seen on sidewalks to larger 60-gallon and above containers for venues like parks and outdoor events.

Durability and security (like locking lids) are key features of outdoor commercial trash cans to prevent tampering and withstand daily use.

Specialized Containers

Certain environments require specialized containers, such as recycling bins and medical waste containers.

Recycling bins are clearly marked and color-coded to separate and encourage the proper disposal of recyclables. They can range from single-stream totes to multi-stream stations that sort materials like paper, plastic, and glass.

For safety and compliance,  medical waste bins are made with puncture-resistant materials and often have biohazard labels to safely contain clinical refuse.

Material Considerations

In selecting the right commercial garbage cans for any setting, we must consider the materials they are made from. These materials not only affect durability but also sustainability—a key factor in today's waste management practices.

Plastic Versus Metal Cans

Plastic garbage cans are known for their lightweight properties and cost-effectiveness. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes suited for different commercial environments. However, we must note that not all plastic is equal; some are more resilient and can withstand exposure to various chemicals and weather conditions.

On the other hand,  metal trash cans, typically made from steel or stainless steel, offer increased durability. Steel cans resist punctures, dents, and extreme temperatures better than plastic. Stainless steel variants don't rust and are often used in food service and medical settings due to their easy-to-clean surfaces.

Durability and Sustainability

When it comes to durability, metal bins generally have a longer lifespan. Stainless steel trash cans, for instance, can endure for years without significant signs of wear and tear, making them a one-time investment for many businesses.

The sustainability of a garbage can's material is equally important. Plastic cans can be made from recyclable materials, offering a reduced environmental footprint. Steel and stainless steel are also highly recyclable, often capable of being repurposed without loss of quality.

We use this knowledge to guide purchasing decisions towards options that not only last but also minimize our impact on the planet.

Design and Aesthetics

In the realm of  commercial garbage cans, our focus on design and aesthetics is not just about looks; it's about functionality and branding that align with specific environments and purposes.

Shape: Round, Rectangle, Square

We consider the shape of commercial garbage cans to be a pivotal aspect of their design. Round cans are often chosen for their ability to fit in compact spaces and offer a simple aesthetic. Rectangle and square bins accommodate more waste due to their shape and are easier to place against walls or in corners, which makes them ideal for high-traffic areas.

  • Round: Suited for public spaces such as parks and walkways.
  • Rectangle/Square: Optimal for office buildings, kitchens, and restrooms.

Color and Branding

Color choice and branding on commercial garbage cans serve multiple purposes. We understand that colors can indicate the type of waste (recyclable, compost, waste) and brand logos can reinforce company values. High visibility colors ensure the garbage can is seen, whereas neutral tones help it blend into the environment.

  • Bright Colors: Signify waste segregation and draw attention.
  • Neutral Tones: Merge with surroundings for a seamless look.

Lid Styles and Functionality

The design of lids plays a crucial role in the functionality of garbage cans. We recommend various lid styles that cater to different types of waste and usage patterns.

Swing-top lids are user-friendly but can be less effective at containing odors.

Step-on lids provide a hygienic solution by allowing hands-free operation.

Hinged lids are durable and make it easy to remove and empty the contents.

  • Swing-top: Convenient for users, suited for public places.
  • Step-on/Hinged: Great for maintaining hygiene and easy waste disposal.

Placement and Usage

When selecting commercial garbage can sizes, it is vital to consider the intended placement and the specific usage scenarios. The location and environment dictate not only the size but also the type of waste receptacle required.

Indoor Versus Outdoor Placement

For indoor environments such as offices and schools, selecting a garbage can size involves balancing space constraints with the likely volume of waste.

In offices, we often find stream-lined bins placed under desks or centralized units in common areas like break rooms. Schools need larger bins in places like cafeterias, yet smaller ones in classrooms.

Outdoor areas such as parks require durable, larger bins that can handle both a high volume of waste and exposure to the elements. It is also essential to consider animal proofing for these outdoor units, as wildlife interaction can be common.

Location-Specific Considerations

  • Parks: Here, we recommend large, sturdy cans with lids to prevent wildlife disturbances. Placement is often near entrances, picnic areas, and parking lots.
  • Schools: In cafeterias and restrooms, large cans are necessary. Classrooms can use smaller bins because these areas generate less trash.
  • Offices: For a bathroom, you require smaller, sanitary bins placed in each stall and larger bins near sinks. Office workspaces should have a mix of small personal bins and larger communal bins in shared spaces.

Accessories and Additional Features

When choosing commercial garbage cans, we must consider the additional features and accessories that enhance functionality. These include liners and recycling receptacles for waste separation, as well as designs that offer resilience against weather conditions and pests.

Liners and Recycling Receptacles

Garbage can liners are essential for maintaining hygiene and simplifying trash removal.

Rubbermaid commercial garbage cans often come with fitted liners that are easily replaceable, ensuring a clean waste management process.

For environmentally conscious waste disposal, we integrate recycling receptacles within our garbage units. These facilitate efficient separation of recyclables and compostables from general waste.

  • Liners: Custom-fit to prevent slippage, ease of removal
  • Recycling: Color-coded, labeled bins for material sorting

Weather and Pest Resilience

Our garbage cans are designed to withstand various weather conditions, from intense sun exposure to heavy rain. The materials used in commercial bins, such as high-density polyethylene, offer UV resistance and durability. To combat pests, we equip cans with sealed lids and reinforced openings, preventing rodents and insects from accessing the waste.

  • Weatherproof: Materials prevent cracking, fading
  • Pest-resistant: Tight seals, strong latches keep pests out

Purchasing and Pricing Information

Purchasing the right commercial garbage cans for business involves understanding specific costs, exploring bulk purchase discounts, and assessing the value of warranties or manufacturer promotions.

How to Find and Compare Prices

To ensure we're making informed decisions, we compare prices from various suppliers. It's important to consider the size and material of the garbage cans, as these factors significantly influence cost. Online platforms or catalogs typically list prices, and we utilize them to find competitive rates.

Bulk Ordering and Discounts

Take advantage of bulk ordering when outfitting multiple locations or preparing for large-scale operations. Suppliers often provide discounts for large orders. It's crucial to discuss bulk-pricing terms upfront and get them in writing to secure the best deal.

Warranty and Manufacturer Offers

Investing in commercial garbage cans comes with the expectation of durability. Look for products backed by a solid warranty and keep an eye out for manufacturers' offers, such as extended service terms or replacement guarantees, which can offer long-term savings and peace of mind.

Maintenance and Cleaning

When we consider maintenance and cleaning of commercial garbage cans, two key aspects stand out: implementing routine care practices and enhancing waste management efficiency.

Routinely caring for  industrial trash cans helps prevent the buildup of litter and waste, while effective waste management ensures organization and minimizes the chances of environmental harm.

Regular Care Tips

Frequency of Cleaning: We recommend cleaning commercial garbage cans at least once a week to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and pests. For cans in high-use areas, we may need to do this more often.

Materials for Cleaning: Always use gloves and safety masks for protection. For cleaning materials, we need:

  • A disinfectant or a mixture of water and vinegar for sanitation.
  • A hose or pressure washer for rinsing.
  • A long-handled brush for scrubbing.

Drying: After cleaning, it's essential to thoroughly dry the garbage cans to prevent mold and mildew. We can prop them upside down to ensure all water drains out.

Managing Waste Effectively

Segregation of Waste: To manage waste effectively, we must segregate it at the source. Industrial trash cans should be labeled clearly—marking ones for recyclables, organics, and general waste.

Volume and Sizes: Adjusting the bin sizes and quantities to the waste generation rate is crucial. For example, a Waste Management Plan might involve customizing container sizes to balance between space constraints and waste accumulation.

Efficient Collection: Organizing the collection schedule based on the analysis of waste patterns helps in managing waste without overflow. This also reduces litter and keeps our surroundings clean.

Keep America Beautiful (KAB): Aligning with organizations like KAB can guide us in organizing community-wide cleaning events and waste reduction practices. This enhances the cleanliness of our environment.